The Destroyer Series
The Destroyer Series is an adventure series written by Warren Murphy
and Richard Sapir. It is about Remo Williams and Chiun,
master assassins trained in the martial art of Sinanju.
The complete list of books to date:
- 1. Created, The Destroyer
- 2. Death Check*
- 3. Chinese Puzzle
- 4. Mafia Fix
- 5. Dr. Quake
- 6. Death Therapy
- 7. Union Bust
- 8. Summit Chase
- 9. Murder's Shield
- 10. Terror Squad
- 11. Kill or Cure
- 12. Slave Safari
- 13. Acid Rock
- 14. Judgement Day
- 15. Murder Ward
- 16. Oil Slick*
- 17. Last War Dance
- 18. Funny Money*
- 19. Holy Terror
- 20. Assassin's Play-off
- 21. Deadly Seeds
- 22. Brain Drain*
- 23. Child's Play
- 24. King's Curse
- 25. Sweet Dreams
- 26. In Enemy Hands
- 27. The Last Temple
- 28. Ship of Death
- 29. The Final Death
- 30. Mugger Blood
- 31. The Head Men
- 32. Killer Chromosomes
- 33. Voodoo Die
- 34. Chained Reaction
- 35. Last Call
- 36. Power Play
- 37. Bottom Line
- 38. Bay City Blast*
- 39. Missing Link*
- 40. Dangerous Games
- 41. Firing Line
- 42. Timber Line*
- 43. Midnight Man
- 44. Balance of Power
- 45. Spoils of War
- 46. Next of Kin
- 47. Dying Space*
- 48. Profit Motive
- 49. Skin Deep
- 50. Killing Time*
- 51. Shock Value
- 52. Fool's Gold*
- 53. Time Trial
- 54. Last Drop*
- 55. Master's Challenge
- 56. Encounter Group
- 57. *
- 58. *
- 59. The Arms of Kali
- 60. The End of the Game
- 61. Lords of the Earth
- 62. The Seventh Stone
- 63. The Sky is Falling*
- 64. The Last Alchemist
- 65. Lost Yesterday
- 66. Sue Me
- 67. Look into my Eyes
- 68. An Old-fashioned War
- 69. Blood Ties
- 70. The Eleventh Hour
- 71. Return Engagement
- 72. Sole Survivor
- 73. Line of Succession
- 74. Walking Wounded*
- 75. Rain of Terror
- 76. The Final Crusade
- 77. Coin of the Realm*
- 78. Blue Smoke and Mirrors*
- 79. Shooting Schedule
- 80. Death Sentence
- 81. Hostile Takeover
- 82. Survival Zero
- 83. Skull Duggery
- 84. Ground Zero
- 85. Blood Lust
- 86. Arabian Nightmare
- 87. Mob Pyschology
- 88. The Ultimate Death
- 89. Dark Horse
- 90. Ghost in the Machine
- 91. Cold Warrior
- 92. The Last Dragon
- 93. Terminal Transmission
- 94. Feeding Frenzy
- 95. High Priestess
- 96. Infernal Revenue
- 97. Identity Crisis
- 98. Target of Opportunity
An asterisk denotes items that are missing from my personal collection.
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This page was last updated on January 20, 1995.
This page is maintained by
Stanley Rabinowitz, .